Picture from: https://www.google.com/search?=greyhound&rlz=1C1EODB_enUS592US593&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGpJO61bbSAhXp34MKHd8HDNYQ_AUICSgC&biw=1440&bih=745#imgrc=5DqD6Mb3uaEZhM:
Greyhounds are one of my favorite breeds and one of my bucket list items is to see and cuddle a greyhound puppy since most are at the race tracks and mot seen by a general practitioner.
Greyhounds are affectionate, well behaved and loving dogs. They can be a little more frightened with loud noises, etc., but are generally very happy. They are beautiful creatures as well and make a great running or apartment dog. They are very adaptable to different livelihoods. You do need to worry about having smaller animals in the house - remember that most are trained to race after rabbits. I believe Greyhounds are great for a family that has not owned dogs before.
Star ratings (0-5 stars)
Adaptability: ***
Friendliness: *****
Child Friendly: *****
Dog/cat friendly: ****
Health: **** (the do have problems with their dental health, sensitivity to anesthesia and a higher risk of bone cancer)
Energy level: ****
Grooming needs: *
Intelligence: *****
Let us know your questions and what breeds you want to hear about in the future.

Picture from: from: https://www.google.com/search?q=greyhound&rlz=1C1EODB_enUS592US593&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGpJO61bbSAhXp34MKHd8HDNYQ_AUICSgC&biw=1440&bih=745#imgrc=df1RXhM62E7u1M: